Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Testing familial Relationships Using Simulated Blood test

I did this hemotology lab in my genetics workshop. My objective was to find which parents; either Mr. and Mrs. Smith or Mr.and Mrs Jones were the biological parent, of either child one or child two.
6 Blood typing slides
6 Simulated blood samples
(Mr. Smith)
(Mrs. Smith)
(Mr. Jones)
(Mrs. Jones)
(Child one)
(Child two)
Simulated Anti-A Serum
Simulated Anti-B Serum

Procedure (I will fill in later)

Two children, born in a hospital at approximately the same time, may have been "mixed up" in the nursery. The parents of the children have volunteered to give blood samples to help determine whether or not this is the case.

Table # 1 (Agglutination Reaction)
Slide # and Name Anti-A Serum Anti-B Serum Blood type
1. Mrs. Smtih + - A
2. Mr. Jones + - A
3. Mrs. Jones - - O
4 . Mr. Smith + + AB
5. Child one + - B
6. Child two - - O

Table # 2 (Possible Genotypes)
Blood Type Possible Genotypes
Mr. Smith AB IA IB
Mrs. Smith A IA IA or IA i
Mr. Jones A IA IA or IA i
Mrs. Jones O IB IB or IB i
Child # 1 B IB IB or IB i
Child # 2 O ii

Based on the data we can conlude that M. and Mrs. Smith are the parents of Child # 2. Where as Mr. and Mrs. Jones are the biological parents of Child # 1.

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